My name is Yusuf Esener and I’m Marketing Manager in Esener Agricultural Machinery and Esbor Spare Parts , a company located in Ankara / Turkey.
We are specialized in the industrial process to production of spare parts for agricultural machines through hot stamping of boron steel laminate (type 30MnB5 or 33MnB5).
Our line production, characterized by a wide range of mold and an advanced workshop, allow us to produce spare parts for most agricultural machines like
Springs, Blades, Points For Ploughshare (Type Lemken Kverneland, Vogel & Noot, Esener, Ünlü, Alpler, Turan ), Plough Parts (Type Lemken Kverneland, Vogel & Noot, Esener, Ünlü, Alpler , Turan ), Tiller, Tines, Tips For Subsoilers, Discs, Points For Cultivator, Components, Blades For Choppers, Shredder Hammers
and a Special Drawing at the request of customers.
Our quality product is guaranteed by the experience of qualified personnel and we are proud to provide spare parts for several european and extra-european agricultural ma
ROVEG-Agrobacterium radiobacter
Roveg is a gram-negative bacterium in the soil rich in organic matter (rhizosphere). A. radiobacter is a facultative aerobic heterotroph. This organism uses dead plant material in the rhizosphere in the root system, which helps it use the carbon and energy source required for the plants. A. contains a plasmid containing the code required for radiobacter agrosin synthesis. Agrocin reduces the proliferation and disease by disrupting T-RNA synthesis, which is important for A. tumefaciens to maintain cell viability. Roveg vegetables and fruits are negative grams and effective bacteria used in root diseases. Roveg vegetables and fruits are negative grams and effective bacteria used in root diseases.
#microbial #bactericide #agrobacterium #radiobacter #pesticide #agriculture #crop #protection #roveg #pesticida #pesticíd #pestitsid #пестицид #Pestizid #pesticidas #augalų apsauga #plan de proteccion
#حماية النبات #Защита растений